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【平裝版藍光】舒伯特:冬之旅 舞劇 (2021) << 返 回
Hans Zender Schuberts ?Winterreise“ - Ein Ballett von Christian Spuck

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 德文|英文
  演      員: Mauro Peter     Benjamin Schneider     Philharmonia Z?rich     Ballett Z?rich     
  導      演: Christian Spuck
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Z?rcher Ballett - Schuberts Winterreise (eine komponierte Interpretation von Hans Zender)

Schubert's Winterreise song cycle interpreted by Hans Zender for tenor and small orchestra and choreographed by Christian Spuck. Performed 2021 by Ballett Z?rich at Opernhaus Z?rich. Benjamin Schneider conducts the Philharmonia Z?rich with tenor Mauro Peter. Stage direction by Christian Spuck; set by Rufus Didwiszus; costumes by Emma Ryott; lighting by Martin Gebhardt; dramaturgy by Christian Spuck and Michael K?ster. Directed for TV by Michael Beyer; produced by Paul Smaczny. Sung in German with subtitles in German and English only. Released 2021

Laufzeit: 95 Min.
Sound Format: stereo / DTS-HD 5.1 MA
Picture: 16:9 (NTSC / Full HD)
Subtitles: Deutsch, Englisch
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