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Masterpieces of Vienna

  所屬分類: 藍光 知識探索
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  級      別: 1
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Masterpieces of Vienna is a three-part series on great works of art that came out of the Austrian capital at that moment in the early 1900s when, like Paris before it, and New York after, the city appeared to hold a monopoly on the most exciting creative production of the time. As well as Arnold Schoenberg, Sigmund Freud and Gustav Klimt, it produced Oskar Kokoschka, an expressionist painter of extravagant, provocative temperament. 1of3 The Tempest Kokoschka Series about Vienna's cultural artefacts looks at Oskar Kokoschka's expressionist masterpiece The Tempest, the product of a passionate love affair between the impoverished Viennese artist and a wealthy, older woman. The film tells the extraordinary story of their relationship and the bizarre behaviour it inspired from the rebellious Kokoschka. 2of3 Freud's Couch Series about Vienna's cultural artefacts looks at Sigmund Freud's couch - now an iconic piece of furniture and the emblem of psychoanalysis. The film tells the story of how its arrival in Freud's Viennese apartment triggered a revolution in 20th-century thinking. 3of3 Death and the Maiden Series about Vienna's cultural artefacts looks at Egon Schiele's haunting 1915 picture of two lovers clinging to each other, his tribute to the woman who stood by him in his darkest hour but then discarded ruthlessly.
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