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【平裝版藍光】馬修伯恩的芭蕾舞劇 : 羅密歐與朱麗葉 電影版 (2019) << 返 回
Matthew Bourne's Romeo and Juliet

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 英文
  演      員: Cordelia Braithwaite     Paris Fitzpatrick     Dan Wright     
  導      演: Matthew Bourne
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
An alternative adaptation of Romeo and Juliet set in a mental hospital called 'Verona Institute' and told entirely through dance, presenting the story through intense choreography to Prokofiev's Romeo & Juliet op. 64.

新冒險舞團的《羅密歐與朱麗葉》是對莎士比亞經典愛情故事的一次充滿激情的當代演繹。基於前蘇聯作曲家謝爾蓋·普羅科菲耶夫(Sergei Prokofiev)為芭蕾所作的經典配樂,當代英國舞蹈界鬼才馬修·伯恩(Matthew Bourne)進行了全新的故事改編。他極具顛覆性地將背景設定在一所維羅納管教院,年輕人被送到這裡接受管束與訓誡,在這個壓抑人性的無情世界裡,羅密歐與朱麗葉這對小情侶賭上了一切,去追隨他們的愛情。

本版《羅密歐與朱麗葉》高清影像於倫敦沙德勒之井(Sadler's Wells)劇院現場錄製,卡司由一眾充滿活力的年輕舞者組成:考狄利亞·布萊懷特(Cordelia Braithwaite)飾演的朱麗葉堅定勇敢,帕里斯·菲茨帕特里克(Paris Fitzpatrick)則賦予羅密歐夢幻般的純真,丹·賴特(Dan Wright)的提爾伯特刻畫了一個充滿暴戾、象徵權威的警衛形象,與其他舞者大膽而不失細膩的演繹,共同構成了對這部莎士比亞經典愛情悲劇的激動人心的改編。

英國傳奇編舞馬修·伯恩被《紐約客》雜誌譽為“西方醉受歡迎編舞”,多次獲得奧利弗獎與托尼獎,並作為現代舞第一人獲封大英帝國官佐勳章(OBE)、漢堡莎士比亞藝術獎(Shakespeare Prize for the Arts),和英國精神大獎(The British Inspiration Award)。同享譽世界的《天鵝湖》《灰姑娘》等成功作品一樣,這版《羅密歐與朱麗葉》延續了他頗具爆發性的敘事以及復雜流暢的編舞,《泰晤士報》盛讚“耳目一新”,《衛報》則稱其“充滿了洞察與創造力”。

Illuminations is delighted to announce the release of Matthew Bourne's Romeo + Juliet on DVD and Blu-ray on 25th August 2020. Following 35 sell-out UK and international performances, the DVD and Blu-ray follows the release of download and streaming versions in May 2020.
Matthew Bourne's Romeo + Juliet is a celebration of youthful energy, talent and creativity both on and off stage. Entering their fourth decade as a company, this New Adventures production is an urgent and brutal drama directed for screen by Ross MacGibbon.
Set in 'The Verona Institute' in the not-too-distant future and mysteriously confined against their will by a society that seeks to divide and crush their youthful spirits, Shakespreare's two young lovers must follow their hearts as they risk everything to be together.
'A timeless story about repressed emotions and teenage discovery is no better told than by the young', said Matthew Bourne. Inspired by this as well as the company's ambition to support the next generation of on-screen talent, Matthew Bourne's Romeo + Juliet features the finest emerging male and female dancers from around the UK.
Bursting with youth, vitality and Bourne's trademark storytelling, six young cast members were chosen for each theatre venue following a nationwide audition tour to perform with the New Adventures company. This film includes the London cast recorded at Sadler's Wells in addition to two of Bourne's most talented rising stars, Paris Fitzpatrick who plays Romeo and Cordelia Braithwaite as Juliet, both of whom give heartbreaking performances in the title roles.
Alongside Bourne's direction and choreography, design is by Lez Brotherston, lighting by Paule Constable, sound by Phil Groothuis and new orchestrations of the Prokofiev score by Terry Davies, played live by the New Adventures Orchestra.
The Blu-ray include the brand new film, The Making of Romeo + Juliet, featuring behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with cast members, Paris Fitzpatrick, Cordelia Braithwaite, and Daisy May Kemp.; Associate Artistic Director, Etta Murfitt; Young Associate Choreographer, Arielle Smith; and Matthew Bourne himself.

121 minutes
25 August 2020
Audio Language: English
Subtitles: English (Extras only)
Blu-ray HD 1080p all regions
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