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Grey's Anatomy S10

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 艾倫·旁派     派翠克·德姆西     錢德拉·威爾森     吳珊卓     賈斯汀·錢伯斯     小詹姆斯·皮肯斯     莎拉米爾茲     
  導      演: Rob Corn
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
13. Take It Back
The doctors face the consequences of the events that took place at April's wedding. Meredith feels betrayed when Derek goes back on a promise, Alex is furious after returning to the hospital and hearing the news about his father, and Arizona and Callie decide whether or not to move forward together. Meanwhile, Bailey realizes she was wrong about the motive behind Ben's decision to move back to Seattle.

14. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
Couples panic when the hospital announces a nonfraternization policy; Owen and Emma discuss the future; Meredith and Cristina have some girl time; Richard asks the residents for help with a rare cancer case.

15. Throwing It All Away
Arizona's bad day escalates when she advises a patient on a potential double amputation; Derek breaks a promise; Stephanie and Jo find an abandoned baby; the nonfraternization rule leads to a suspension.

16. We Gotta Get Out of This Place
Arizona realizes that her leg can be repaired, but will she make the sacrifice to get it?

17. Do You Know?
Follows Christina's life as she wonders how her life would take shape based on a single decision.

18. You Be Illin'
The doctors of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital succumb to an infection that spreads like wildfire. Cristina deals with a complex case involving siblings and Alex begins to consider his future in the hospital.

19. I'm Winning
Meredith and Bailey tackle jealousy as Cristina receives an early morning phone call that might change her life; Callie comes to a shocking realization and Alex makes a decision.

20. Go It Alone
Callie and Arizona discuss having another baby, Derek has a hard time juggling work and family, Jackson and April have their first big fight and Christina attends the Harper Avery Award Ceremony. But is she going to win?

21. Change of Heart
Derek's sister Amelia comes for a visit; Alex confronts Arizona and the rest of the hospital about his decision; Dr Webber finds out the truth about Harper Avery award from Catherine.

22. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
The doctors work together to operate on two sisters joined at the head; Cristina travels to Zurich where she deals with a blast from her past; Richard voices his concern over the hospital's allegiance with the Harper Avery Foundation.

23. Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right
While Bailey faces dire consequences for her reckless behavior, Cristina interviews candidates for Dr. Russel's replacement. Alex returns with a motive, disappointment hits Callie and Derek brings forth a shocking proposal to Meredith.

24. Fear (of the Unknown)
Cristina must head to Zurich soon but she is unprepared to leave behind her life in Seattle. Fear runs amok throughout the hospital as an explosion in a shopping mall results in a mass casualty situation.

Disc Size: 23,248,673,757 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps / DN -4dB
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