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【平裝版藍光】勛伯格 摩西與亞倫 歌劇 / 巴黎歌劇院 << 返 回
Arnold Sch?nberg: Moses und Aron

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 德語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: Thomas Johannes Mayer     John Graham-Hall     Nicky Spence     
  導      演: Francois-Rene Martin
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
摩西與亞倫(Moses und Aron,1930-1932)是奧地利作曲家勛伯格(Arnold Schoenberg)的一部未完成十二音歌劇作品,取材自舊約的出埃及記。

Thomas Johannes Mayer (Moses), John Graham-Hall (Aron), Nicky Spence (A Youth)
Orchestre et Ch?urs de National de L'Op?ra de Paris, Philippe Jordan (conductor) & Romeo Castellucci (director)
Moses und Aron, Arnold Sch?nberg’s masterpiece, at the Paris Opera in a glorious and poetic staging by Romeo Castellucci and conducted by Philippe Jordan, now available on DVD and Blu-ray! A profound, powerful and yet unfinished opera, Moses und Aron ends with an admission of defeat: ? O Word, thou Word that I lack! ?, Moses’ last cry, is also the last phrase the composer has been able to set to music. Recounting the story of Moses, who has experienced the immensity of God, and of Aron, who tries to speak of it; casting doubt upon the adequacy of tonal and traditional musical language; Moses und Aron questions the possibility of a True Speech. Following in their wanderings the children of Israel, a stateless people lost in the desert and looking for signs and images, Moses und Aron symbolizes the challenges encountered by a community looking for her own identity, torn between spiritual ideal and material needs. The Paris Opera Chorus and Orchestra who, thanks to his musical director Philippe Jordan’s work, has pierced all the secrets of Sch?nberg’s audacious score, reveal with grace and accuracy all the emotion contained in this anxious, overwhelming and unforgettable masterpiece.

Castellucci, with his bull and his ink, has managed somehow to make indelible images out of an opera in which images are the greatest evil of all. THE GUARDIAN

The spectacle […] remains unforgettable. You could quibble with specific ideas in Mr. Castellucci’s work, but the sweep and scale of his vision in this “Moses” is a path to Sch?nberg’s unforgiving, glorious opera. THE NEW YORK TIMES
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