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DELIBES : COPPELIA Ballet in three acts

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  演      員: Margarita Shrayer     Artem Ovcharenko     Alexey Loparevic     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌1:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s16,1536 kb/s

音軌2:dts-hd ma,48000Hz,5.1,s24


Delibes: Coppelia
Bolshoi Ballet
Pavel Sorokin, Marius Petipa / Enrico Cecchetti (original choreography), Sergey Vikharev (revival and new choreographic version)
Margarita Shrayer (Swanilda), Artem Ovcharenko (Frantz), Alexey Loparevic (Copp?lius), Nadezhda Blagova (automaton Copp?lia ), Alexander Fadeyechev (Lord of Manor), Yuri Ostrovsky (Burgomaster), Nikolay Mayorov (Chronos)
Bolshoi Ballet, Pavel Sorokin, Marius Petipa / Enrico Cecchetti (original choreography), Sergey Vikharev (revival and new choreographic version)

L?o Delibes’s Copp?lia is not only a collection of fine dances. It is primarily an abrasive and sardonic comedy, which is somewhat unusual in the world of classical ballet. But most importantly, it is a comedy for which excellent music was composed. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s assessment of Delibes’s ballet scores, allegedly capable of overshadowing the choreography itself, is well known: “What beauty, what elegance, what richness of melody, rhythm and harmony!” It is not fortuitous that music from this ballet should be performed, for its own merits, during concerts.

Funnily enough, the main theme of this light-hearted ballet is taken from E.T.A. Hoffmann’s anything but joyful novellas – mainly from The Sandman. In Hoffmann’s tale, the young man’s infatuation with the doll ends tragically, while in the ballet, the lively and energetic Swanilda (Frantz’s fianc?e) is able to over wit the old Copp?lius, the cunning inventor of the “Girl with the enamel eyes” and free her lover from the doll’s poisonous charm.

Copp?lia was premiered in 1870 at the Paris Opera on choreographer Arthur Saint-L?on’s initiative. A virtuoso dancer, Saint-L?on was Marius Petipa’s predecessor as Head of the Petersburg Ballet. His interest in folk culture, music and dance, is mainly responsible for the appearance in the music score of such a rich “selection” of dance melodies based on folklore, and especially Slavic and Eastern European themes. A few years later, Marius Petipa and Enrico Cecchetti brought the ballet “back” to the Russia that had proved such a vivid source of inspiration for its librettist, and adapted the choreography for the Russian stage. However, this new version fell out of interest during the XXth century, until Sergey Vikharev and Pavel Gershenzon’s revival in 2009. It is here interpreted by the Bolshoi Ballet’s finest dancers: Margarita Shrayner is the witty Swanilda, and Artem Ovcharenko the love-sick Frantz.

Sound Format: PCM Stereo, dts-HD Master Audio 5.1
Picture Format: 16:9
Resolution: 1080i FULL HD
Running Time: 100 mins

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