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Ghost Light – By John Neumeier

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 德文
  演      員: David Fray     Hamburg Ballett     John Neumeier     
  導      演: John Neumeier
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Ghost Light – By John Neumeier
David Fray piano | Hamburg Ballett | John Neumeier, choreography, stage, lighting and costumes | J?rgen Rose costumes

A Ghost Light – a single lamp that illuminates the stage when rehearsals or performances are finished – is part of a long theatrical tradition. Legend says that originally, the night light was for the ghosts of former artists so that they may cavort throughout the night and not disturb or disrupt current performances! At this very moment, because of the pandemic, countless stages, particularly in America, are illuminated by Ghost Lights.

The Hamburg Ballet was one of the first ballet companies internationally to return to its studios after the first lockdown. Observing a strict hygiene concept, John Neumeier created “Ghost Light“, a new full-length ballet, for his entire ensemble of 55 dancers. The ballet “Ghost Light” deals with isolation and the feelings and fantasies an empty stage may evoke. Developed in fragments using small groups of dancers and under the constraints imposed by Covid-19, the choreography reflects situations, fears, relationships, memories, and emotions experienced during the pandemic. John Neumeier dedicates this work to his dancers.

For this recording, the solo piano music is performed by the star pianist David Fray whose Franz Schubert recordings inspired the choreographer.

Picture format NTSC 16:9
Sound format PCM Stereo
Release March 19, 2021
Total running time 105 mins
Recording 2020
Bonus Introduction by John Neumeier
Bonus subtitles German
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