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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 哥吉拉大戰金剛 (2021)(Atmos 版)〈台版〉
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【平裝版藍光】[英] 沙漠大血戰 (1957) << 返 回
Bitter Victory

  所屬分類: 歐美電影
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 寇尤寧斯     李察波頓     Ruth Roman     
  導      演: 尼古拉斯雷
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
During the Western Desert Campaign of World War II, two Allied officers in Egypt are interviewed to lead a dangerous commando mission far behind enemy lines in Benghazi. Major David Brand, a South African, is a regular army officer but lacks experience of combat and of commanding men in the field. He does not speak Arabic and has only a limited knowledge of the area in Libya in which the patrol is to operate. Captain Jimmy Leith, a Welshman, is an amateur volunteer with extensive knowledge of the area who knows a local guide and speaks fluent Arabic as well. It is decided that both officers will go, with Major Brand in command. The men see Brand as a disciplinarian - "the only thing he's slept with is the rule book".

Major Brand's wife Jane is a Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) Flight Officer who enlisted to be near her husband. When Brand invites Leith to drinks with his wife, he picks up the fact that the two had had an affair before she married Brand. Leith had walked out on her without explanation.

The unit parachutes behind enemy lines with the mission of attacking a German headquarters and bringing back secret plans from a safe to be opened by Wilkins, an experienced safecracker. Dressed as local civilians, Brand's hand shakes with fright when he has to knife a German sentry; the deed is done by Leith.

The mission is completed with the British suffering only one death and one man wounded. The patrol ambushes a German detachment, capturing Oberst Lutze, who Brand knows was responsible for the secret information. Possibly in the hope of getting rid of Leith, Brand leaves him alone with two seriously wounded men, one British, one German. Leith decides to put them out of their pain. He shoots the German, who pleads for his life. The Briton encourages Leith to act quickly and get it over with. Leith puts his pistol to the soldier's head and fires but there are no bullets left. Rather than reloading, Leith picks the man up and sets out to carry him to safety. The man cries out in agony and curses Leith's failure, but dies before Leith puts him down again. Leith, whose Arab friend has joined him, then catches up with the rest of the unit.

The patrol is supposed to escape on camels but they discover the men left with them have been murdered and the camels taken. During the long march back across the desert, Brand's animosity towards Leith grows, not only due to the affair with his wife but to Brand's fear that Leith will reveal him as a coward to headquarters and destroy his career. While the group are resting, Brand sees a scorpion climb up the leg of Leith's trousers but does not warn him in time. When Leith is stung, Brand refrains from shooting him as his orders permit and lets him die in pain during a sandstorm. The men believe he killed him.

A patrol eventually picks up the group and takes them back to HQ. Brand's wife is distraught to learn of Leith's death and when Brand is immediately awarded the Distinguished Service Order, instead of congratulating him, she walks off disconsolate. In the closing shot Brand ruefully pins the medal on a stuffed training dummy.
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