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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 哥吉拉大戰金剛 (2021)(Atmos 版)〈台版〉
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【平裝版藍光】教宗合唱團 純淨聖詠 (2021)(全景聲 Atmos 版) 音頻+音樂藍光 << 返 回
Gregorian / Pure Chants

  所屬分類: 流行樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 英文
  演      員: 教宗合唱團     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Gregorian: Pure Chants Blu-ray 2021
PURE CHANTS is exactly what the title promises. True to the motto: “In tranquility lies strength,” Gregorian recorded half of the songs on PURE CHANTS completely withstrumental completel accompaniment, relying entirely on the power and beauty of the human voice.
The latest addition to the impressive GREGORIAN discography contains everything you could wish for a relaxing dark season and invites you with its pur ish for a。 new paths. The
newly interpreted classical hits, Christian hymns and folk evergreens such as “Pie Jesu”, “Ameno”, “Ode To Joy” or “Sound Of Silence” shine in new, purist splendor. Pure Gregorianhigh!
, the choir can be experienced for the first time at home in impressive surround sound. The Pure Audio Blu-ray includes a stereo and 5.1 surround mix in 24-bit / 96kHz as well as a Dolby Atmos mix


1. My Little Welsh Home
2. Kyrie Victoria
3. Waiting for Life
4. Pie Jesu ft. Narcis
5. Miserere Mei, Deus
6. Ode To Joy
7. In Trutina
8. Ameno
9. She Moved Through The Fair
10. Kyrie XI, A
11. Bailero ft. Narcis
12. Adoramus Te Christe
13. Gamenni Kardia (There Are Stars)
14. Beata Viscera
15. The Sound Of Silence (Pure Version)
16. Non Nobis Domine
2.0 LPCM Stereo 24bit / 96kHz
5.1 DTS-HD MA 24bit / 96kHz

Dolby Atmos
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