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【平裝版藍光】純音頻 貝多芬:第五第七交響曲 (1976) 音樂藍光 << 返 回
Beethoven: Symphonies No.5 & 7

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  演      員: 克萊伯     維也納愛樂     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Beethoven: Symphonies No.5 & 7 (1974-1976) Blu-ray Audio
Wiener Philharmoniker Carlos Kleiber
Long regarded as the quintessential interpretation of the most popular and best-loved symphony ever written, this performance of the Fifth has everything: passion, precision, drama, lyric beauty, and a coiled fury in the first movement that sets your pulse racing from the very first note. Carlos Kleiber has made very few recordings in his distinguished career, but almost all are special. If you own no other copy of this symphony, this is the one to get. It comes with an exceptional performance of the Seventh--not quite as gripping as the Fifth, but definitely one of the great ones. There is classical music, and there are classic recordings of classical music. This ones a classic.
Symphony No.5 in C minor, Op.67

1. 1. Allegro con brio 7:22
2. 2. Andante con moto 10:00
3. 3. Allegro 5:09
4. 4. Allegro 10:51
Symphony No.7 in A, Op.92
5. 1. Poco sostenuto - Vivace 13:36
6. 2. Allegretto 8:09
7. 3. Presto - Assai meno presto 8:15
8. 4. Allegro con brio 8:36

LPCM DTS-HD Master Audio Dolby TrueHD
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