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【平裝版藍光】純音頻 羅西尼歌劇序曲集-1 (2013)音樂藍光 << 返 回
Complete Overtures 1

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  演      員: 布拉格交響樂團     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
ROSSINI, G.: Overtures (Complete), Vol. 1
(Prague Sinfonia, Benda) (Blu-ray Audio)
Rossini wrote some of music's most masterful and lovable operas. His gift for comic and tragic forms was matched by a relish for characterisation, qualities that are always evident in his overtures. La gazza ladra (The Thieving Magpie) is perhaps the most famous, one of the world's most popular concert openers. Guillaume Tell, with its overture in four movements, . di seta (The Silken Ladder) opens with an overture of charm and ?lan, and Le si?ge de Corinthe is dramatic and colourful. All of Rossini's overtures display sparkling themes, rich lyricism and theatrical excitement.
Sound format: PCM Stereo / DTS-HD Master Audio 5.

Rossini: La gazza ladra Overture
Prague Sinfonia Orchestra
Christian Benda
Rossini: Otello Overture
Prague Sinfonia Orchestra
Christian Benda
Rossini: Semiramide Overture
Prague Sinfonia Orchestra
Christian Benda
Rossini: Le Si?ge de Corinthe Overyture Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Le Si?ge de Corinthe Overliature Prague Sinfonia
Orchestra Christian Benwek Sivge Sivilla Sivlia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Sinfonia al Conventello Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Ermione: Overture with Prague Philharmonic Choir, Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini : Elisabetta regina d'Inghilterra Overture Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Eduardo einfo. L'inganno felice Overture Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: La scala di seta Overture Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Demetrio e Polibio: Overture Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Il Signor Bruschino Overture Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Sigismo Prague Sifda Overture Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Rossini: Sigismo Prague Sifdasion Bologna Prague Sinfonia Orchestra Christian Benda Sound format: PCM Stereo / DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
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