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【平裝版藍光】純音頻 應氏四重奏組 / 舒曼弦樂四重奏(1-3) (2013)音樂藍光 << 返 回
Ying Quartet / Schumann

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  演      員: 應氏四重奏組     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Music in today's world. Now in its second decade as a quartet, the Quartet has established itself as an ensemble of the highest musical qualifications in its tours across the United States and abroad. Their permusformance injotations in its tours across the United States and abroad。 halls, from Carnegie Hall to the Sydney Opera House. At the same time, the Quartet's belief that concert music can also be a meaningful part of everyday life has also drawn the foursome to perform in settings as diverse as has also drawn the foursome to perform in settings as diverse as the form. , and the White House. In fact, the Ying Quartet's constant quest to explore the creative possibilities of the string quartet has led it to an unusually diverse array of musical projects and interests. As quartet- Eastin-resence, at theman and the Music, As quartet- Eastin-resence, the Ying Quartet maintains full time faculty positions in the String and Chamber Music Departments.
The three string quartets were all written in just a few weeks in the summer of 1842, and his writing for strings is, for better worse, for better worse, for better. is unfortunate that some would dispatch the significance and beauty of these works so easily. Though there are passages and textures in the quartets that are clearly influenced by keyboard technique, this is glorious s. , and heartfelt yearning and emotion that are displayed throughout the quartets are enough to be as satisfying as any of Schumann's music. Each one of them is a joy to perform.

String Quartet No. 1 in A.
1. I. Introduzione: Andante espressivo - Allegro
2. II. Scherzo: Presto - Intermezzo
3. III. Adagio
4. IV. Presto

String Quartet No. 2 in F Major, Op. 41, No. 2
5. I. Allegro vivace
6. II. Andante quasi Variazioni
7. III. Scherzo: Presto
8. IV. Allegro molto vivace

String Quartet No. 3 in A Major, Op. 41, No. 3
9. I. Andante espressivo - Allegro molto moderato
10. II. Assai agitato - Un poco adagio - Tempo risoluto
11. III. Adagio molto
12. IV. Finale: Allegro molto vivace

2.0 LPCM Stereo 24bit / 192kHz
5.1 DTS-HD MA 24bit / 192kHz
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