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Nikolaus Harnoncourt / Requiem Experience

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: Nikolaus Harnoncourt     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Mozart, Verdi: Requiem Experience by Nikolaus Harnoncourt (2013) Blu-ray Audio
Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Christine Schafer, Kurt Streit, Eva Mei, Michael Schade, Arnold Schoenberg Choir, Concentus Musicus Wien, Wiener Philharmoniker
In this exclusive Blu-ray Audio-/CD-Edition Nikolaus Harnoncourt dedicated to the Requiems of Mozart and Verdi.Among other things, the soprano Christine Sch?fer sings as soloist in Mozart's Requiem, K. 626, and is accompanied by Arnold Schoenberg Choir, Concentus Musicus Wien and the well-known under the direction Harnoncourt.
In the famous Verdi Requiem Harnoncourt conducts the Vienna Philharharmoniker, an orchestra with which he has extensive experience as a conductor. The soloists Eva Mei, Michael Schade and others, and the Arnold Schoenberg Choir round off this recording, which features in Blu-ray quality through HD multi-channel surround sound with 5.1 and offers an unprecedented listening experience.
Wolfang Amadeus Mozart – Requiem in D minor, en r? minor. K.626

01. Requiem 04:57
02. Kyrie 02:56
03. Dies Irae 01:50
04. Tuba mirum 03:52
05. Rex tremendae 01:58
06. Recordare 06:19
07. Confutatis 02:35
08. Lacrimosa 03:07
09. Domine Jesu 03:50
10. Hostias 03:02
11. Sanctus 01:19
12. Benedictus 05:20
13. Agnus Dei 03:25
14. Lux aeterna 05:45
Giuseppe Verdi – Messa da Requiem
15. Requiem aeternam 08:36
16. Dies irae 02:34
17. Tuba mirum 03:32
18. Liber scriptus 05:20
19. Quid sum miser 03:51
20. Rex tremendae 03:38
21. Recordare 04:18
22. Ingemisco tamquam 03:43
23. Confutatis maledictis 05:57
24. Lacrimosa 05:46
25. Domine Jesu 04:52
26. Hostias 05:58
27. Sanctus 03:01
28. Agnus Dei 04:55
29. Lux Aeterna 06:29
30. Libera me 02:39
31. Dies irae 05:41
32. Libera me 06:50

DTS-HD MA 5.1 (48 kHz / 3837 kbps / 24-bit)
LPCM 2.0 (48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit)
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