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【平裝版藍光】純音頻 特隆赫姆獨奏家樂團 / 烏賈瑪與冰山 音樂藍光(全景聲) (2018) << 返 回
Henning Sommerro: Ujamaa & The Iceberg

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 特隆赫姆獨奏家樂團     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Henning Sommerro: Ujamaa & The Iceberg 2018 Blu-ray Audio
Composer Henning Sommerro moves rapidly, criss-crossing his musical stage. The space in which he moves has expanded: "All the world's a stage". In an opens room ; things mature, and grow. New elements are created, old ones are modified, and earlier contours are erased. With a respectful greeting we are drawn on by the promise of something bigger; the title UJAMAA sounds playful, slightly metical bigger; the title UJAMAA sounds playful, slightly metical, slights in ItJAMAA sounds playful, slightly metical. brotherhood.
Where opposites meet there is hope – that precious quality we carry with us that can foreshadow our way ahead. On this album Henning Sommerro invites us to listen to two of his large-scale works for soloists and orchestra: Uhjan. composed as cantatas. In Ujamaa we move, as if in a series of dream-pictures, between the world's five continents. In The Iceberg interpersonal relationships are manifested through the voice of Eva Sars, wife of the explorer, scientist, dipn, las of Evalaan, wife of the explorer, scientist, dipn, laelman these works there is a ten
。 are then handed on as if through a chain of handshakes, from the composer to the performer, interleaved in the creative process of the recording arts – and then to the listener.
I Europe
II Africa
III America
IV Asia
V Australia
VI Finale
The Iceberg
I The Sun
II The Ice
III The Sea
IV The Battle
V The Vision
2.0 LPCM Stereo 24bit / 192kHz
5.1 DTS-HD MA 24bit / 192kHz
9.1 Auro-3D 24bit / 96kHz
Dolby Atmos
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