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【平裝版藍光】耶穌裹屍布之謎 <2D + 快門3D> << 返 回
The Fabric of Time

  所屬分類: 藍光 知識探索
  語      言: 英文發音
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: BD-25G
「The Fabric of Time:Secrets of the Universe」以科學角度分析世界聞名的杜林裹屍布,釵h人認為耶穌復活後留下了這塊裹屍布。巴希格說,參與本片製作的知名科學家和學者,證實耶穌的墳墓裡沒有留下一塊骨頭或是任何耶穌身上的東西。

We live in a world where science and religion have often been on opposing sides. But is all that changing? For the first time, science and religion have come together to uncover an age-old mystery. Who was Jesus Christ? What did he actually look like? And can the story of his death and resurrection now be proven as true? Viewers around the world are in the jury box as newly found scientific discoveries are presented by scholars, scientists, and historians in an unflinching search for evidence -- nothing has been held back. Could it be that actual documentation of this amazing story is still available today? Is it possible that a single fiber from an ancient artifact might hold the answers? And has science found a way to unlock the hidden information contained in the artifact that could provide a link to the past—one that might explain the universe in a whole new light and give hope to people around the world? Did Christ leave us physical evidence that only now with quantum leaps forward in science, are we able to understand? Have scientists actually been able to produce a full three dimensional image of Christ? See the evidence and decide for yourself in THE FABRIC OF TIME: Are the Secrets of the Universe Hidden in an Ancient Cloth?
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