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【平裝版藍光】On the Way 普羅科菲夫/格基耶夫記錄片 (2014) << 返 回
Prokofiev: On the Way

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 英文
  演      員: 普羅科菲夫     格基耶夫     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
"On the way" as a Prokofiev
Director: Anna Mathison at
Cast: Valery Gergiev
The film – Prokofiev: On the Way – is mainly based on a true story and shows the similarities between him and Russia's famous conductor Valery Gerv.
" beginning this entry. Can call it a diary." These are the first lines from Sergei Prokofiev's diary, written on 3 September 1907. Prokofiev kept his diary during 26 years, until his return the grse . life journey the diary was his most loyal companion. Endless concert tours, new apartments, and new meetings - the whole rich life of Prokofiev is described on these pages by himself. Many years is described on these pages by himself. Many years have passed since. musicians has not 變both the video diary of the eleventh Easter Festival and Sergei Prokofiev's life story, based on his diary.
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